Léo Martin


  • xxxx xxx_ C
  • xxxx xx__ Rust
  • xxxx xx__ Python
  • xxxx xx__ Intel Assembly
  • xxxx x___ C++
  • xxxx x___ Bash
  • xxxx ____ Php
  • xxxx ____ Java
  • xxxx ____ Javascript
  • xxxx ____ Ruby
  • xx__ ____ PL/SQL
  • xx__ ____ Perl

Security Developer

Looking for a job


08/2022 - 09/2023 Security Development Apprenticeship

Paris, France Ministère des Armées

  • Development of a graph generator in python to visualize system event logs for digital investigation purposes. Also worked on setting up daily reports via dashboard to correlate event logs and command lines using syntactic analysis. Finally achieved the automatic deployment of the solution to be able to include it in a SIEM.

05/2021 - 11/2021 DevOps Internship

Toulouse, France DSNA/DTI - DGAC (Aviation Civile)

  • Built a special iso from CentOS8 and ansible playbook with tools for approach and control towers. Also build up iso/playbook testing using continuous integration and virtualization.


10/2019 - 09/2023 RNCP7: Expert in IT Architecture (RNCP36137)

Paris, France 42Paris

2017 - 2018 Bachelor’s Degree

Nancy, France Université de Lorraine

  • Web/Game projects (php/js), Algorithm projects (Java), and first c++ projects.

2015 - 2017 DUT Informatique

Nancy, France IUT Nancy-Charlemagne

  • Discovery of the development world.
  • Web projects, lot of Java projects (Algorithm, network, …).